
Ute Weber-Woisetschläger
Initiator, Founder and Director of Integral Art Lab Hub Vienna
Social Architect (Center for Human Emergence)
Host, Facilitator, Researcher and Practitioner
Human Design Profile: Projector 6/2 with Emotional Authority

The Origin
I remember my natural, open, joyful and powerful wonder about nature, the diversity of grasses, flowers, shrubs, trees, landscapes and weather phenomena, moods and atmospheres and about the manifold creative power of human beings to shape their environment and home aesthetically and their everyday life artfully.

The inspiration
I was particularly touched as a child by the intensity and radiance of different colors, their combinations and interplay, shapes and structures, the inviting scent of flowers, harmonious tones and sounds, the simplicity beyond all complexity and the insight that was given to me when I lingered in front of a picture that spoke to me.

The clue
A lasting impression on me as a teenager is the painting of a woman in half-portrait, whose gaze was directed into the distance, as if from there came an answer, or as if she was in dialogue with something not visible. This picture stood on a feast day in a church, on the threshold between profane and sacred space. It attracted me to this place, to this spot, as if by magic.

The woman
This image of a woman standing in life, acting in the world, communicating in continuous dialogue with the greater whole, with perception, embodiment and in the exchange of information, continues to be a mirror of myself, of my own process of transformation and transmutation in conversation with potential and the incessant process of creation.

The Story
My search has led me, as the eldest daughter in the family and mother of a son, to initiate and establish a format that allows feminine qualities, invites full perception, aesthetic experience and empathic dialogue in the encounter. My questions about creation, creativity and my closeness to the visual arts have led to the integration of artwork as a reflection of the current state of consciousness.

The Format
In Integral Art Lab we open the space to explore relevant questions comprehensively, individually in contemplative deepening, in aesthetic experience with selected artworks, in empathic dialogue with other participant:s, and let us, in deep listening be inspired from the social field we create through our common dynamic process.

We experience diversity, richness, closeness and connectedness in unity.
Profound, moving, playful and creative.

Studies of philosophy at the University of Vienna (focus: aesthetics), Mag. phil.
Studies in Art History at the University of Vienna (focus: Byzantine Studies), BA MA
Studies of Communication at the Danube University Krems (focus: visitor development in federal art museums in Austria), MSc

PhD studies in Transpersonal Research at Ubiquity University/Academy of Inner Science.
Global Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) 2022-2023 – Thomas Hübl
TWT Sangha Member – Thomas Hübl
Pioneers of Change – ResponseAbility – Community-Group Host und Facilitator
International Intention Group (Intention Masterclass Lynne McTaggert)
DELTA Dance Experiences (Richard Rudd)

Participations (Conferences):
Integral European Conference 2021: Integral Art Lab: Dignity with Art by Martina Höss mit Roman Angerer, Martina Höss, Ute Weber
Integral European Conference 2022: Integral Art Lab: Dignity with Art by Martina Höss mit Nishad Dubashia, Martina Höss, Ute Weber
Presencing Institute | Community Hosted Session 2022: Integral Art Lab: Dignity with Art by Martina Höss mit Nishad Dubashia, Martina Höss, Ute Weber
Science and Consciousness Conference 2022: Embodiment with Margreet Poulie and Ute Weber

Spiral Dynamics integral (Human Emergence)
Art of Hosting (Pioneers of Change)
Social Presencing Theater | The Art of Making a True Move (U.Academy by Presencing Institute, Arawana Hayashi)
Presencing Foundation Program 2021 (U.Academy by Presencing Institute, Arawana Hayashi)
Presencing the Spiral (Roman Angerer and Bettina Wichers)
Principles of Collective Trauma Healing (Thomas Hübl)
Practice Group Leader Training (Thomas Hübl)
Social Architect (Center for Human Emergence)

Continuing education and training:
Meditation (Shambhala, Thomas Hübl)
Dialogue (David Bohm, Thomas Steininger)
Transparent Communication (Thomas Hübl)
Integral Development, Integral Business Coach (Matthias Florian)
Theory U (Presencing Institute, u.lab1x, u.lab2x)
Global Social Witnessing (GSW)
Global Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) 2022-2023
Lynne McTaggert Intention Masterclass 2022
The Golden Path (Richard Rudd) 2023

Initiator, founder and facilitator of all offerings of the Integral Art Lab Hub
NEW: Integral Healing Circle – Practice Group on the Feminine Principle

I see myself as a philosopher, art historian, communicator in continuous integral unfolding. My focus is on aesthetic experience, dialogical mediation and co-creative design of life-relevant questions, individual and collective challenges.

I accompany people in their personal development with a pluralism of methods from mindfulness practice (including meditation, contemplation), integral practice (including constellations in the spiral of consciousness), theory U (deep listening, co-sensing, presencing, crystallizing, prototyping) and the culture of dialogue (empathic, generative and co-creative dialogue).

In my daily practice with people, I practice with others in integral theory and practice (Ken Wilber), in applying knowledge from Spiral Dynamics Integral (Don E. Beck, Christopher C. Cowan, Center for Human Emergence certified), the Theory U process (Otto Scharmer, u. lab1x, u.ab2x) and specific methods such as Social Presencing Theatre (Arawana Hayashi certified), in The Art of Transparent Communication (Thomas Hübl) and maintain and cultivate The Art of Hosting (Pioneers of Change certified).

Together with others I like to open spaces for self-awareness and development of self-responsibility: In Integral Meditation and Communication we contemplate stages and states of development, in Integral Art Lab we experience deeper dimensions of perception, more complex structures of consciousness, an interdependence of all that is, and in Integral Design Space we illuminate individual and collective issues on different levels from inner and outer perspectives in order to receive and realize new information and impulses from the abundance of perceptions.

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